Force of Nature Cleaner uses vinegar, salt, water, and electricity to create a cleaner that is effective as bleach at sanitizing – but without harsh chemicals, bleaching clothing, or toxic fragrances. This is my honest Force of Nature Cleaner review after using it for more than 6 months.
Force of Nature Cleaner
I have known that I'm sensitive to most fragrances for years, and I would be that you're here because you have run into the same problem.
Or, because you're interesting in lowering your overall toxic load, and cleaning with products that are better for you, your families, your pets, and the environment.
But, to be selfish for a minute, allow me to continue my story….
I'm admittedly, not a great housekeeper. While I enjoy spending time in a sparkling clean space, between the demands of homeschooling, food blogging, canning/preserving, training in weightlifting, and maintaining a garden cleaning sometimes gets thrown on the back burner.
Because of that, I've had a house cleaner for years. (Should out to all of the cleaning professionals – you are truly lifesavers)
2 years ago, though, we decided to downsize to a smaller house, and I decided that I could maintain a cleaning schedule there.
And I was wrong.
Not because a cleaning schedule was too much,
But because I couldn't stand the smells from cleaning chemicals for more than a few minutes – even VERY basic or “green” cleaners.
It got so bad that I would turn on the exhaust fan in the bathroom, set a timer for 5 minutes, and clean really fast to get as much done in that 5 minutes as I could manage.
And then I would have to leave the room and closer the door, or the most horrendous headache would set it.
A headache that wouldn't leave for up to 2 days.
I ran into issues with cleaning other parts of the house as well, but the bathroom issue really affected me as the bathrooms feel behind and I became quite frustrated.
So I dove headfirst into searching for a solution.
Discovering Force of Nature Cleaner
In the last 2 years, as I've gone down the non-toxic living slide – as I know MANY others have, so I want to tell you why I eventually landed on Force of Nature Cleaner as my household cleaner of choice.
First, you probably know that conventional cleaning products are BAD BAD for you. Filled with endorcrine disruptors, chemicals that irritate lungs, and compounds that drastically increase toxic load.
You've probably tried regular baking soda and vinegar, but the elbow grease required is just too much.
And even though the vinegar smell dissipates quickly, it still smells bad.
I stumbled across a Facebook ad, of all things, for Force of Nature Cleaner – and it must have been a moment of weakness, because I was intrigued.
Who wouldn't be intrigued by turning the most basic of ingredients (water, salt, vinegar) into a powerful cleaning solution that is FDA approved to be as effective as bleach?
If you're also intrigued, let me introduce you to cleaner as nature intended, Force of Nature.

What is Force of Nature Cleaner?
Force of Nature is an EPA registered disinfectant uses electricity to turn water, salt, and vinegar into a cleaner so powerful it can kill 99.9% of viruses & bacteria including:
- Salmonella
- Listeria
- Staph
- Norovirus
- Influenza A
- Pseudomonas
- + more
Force of Nature cleaner is registered with the EPA as an all-purpose cleaner, deodorizer, and disinfectant. This means that every ingredient and step of the cleaning product creating is rigorously tested for quality, purity, and effectiveness.
Force of Nature sells it's product as a kit you buy one time that include the cleaning solution refills (as low as $0.60 per bottle of cleaner), the appliance you'll need to create the cleaner (so easy, the push of a button and walk away), and a spray bottle.
That's it!
I. Am. Obsessed.
No toxic chemicals, no fragrances that give me a headache, just a clean, minimal scent and powerful cleaning abilities.
Shop Force of Nature here and use code FITMOMJOURNEY to save 40% off all their bundles!

How Does Force of Nature Work?
This technology is already available in large scale for indisutrial applications, but Force of Nature has made a miniature version for home use.
The appliance uses electricity to change the molecular structure of the salt, vinegar, and water into:
- Hypochlorous Acid: The cleaning agent and most prevalent ingredient. As effective as bleach but gentle enough not to irritate lunge, place endocrine disruptors in our system, or increase toxic load. Our bodies actually produce Hypochlorous Acid in our white blood cells to fight infections!
- Sodium Hydroxide: While this compound is found in conventional cleaners at a rate of 1-5% which is highly toxic, Force of Nature only has it at a rate of 0.0000003% which is low enough to be completely non-toxic.

How Much Does Force of Nature Cost? (And What is Included?)
There are several kits to choose from, and I recommend the Starter kit which includes:
- Electrolyzer Appliance
- Power cord
- Reusable Spray Bottle
- 5 Activator Capsules (each makes a 12oz bottle of cleaner)
- Quick Start Guide & User Manual
The appliance and spray bottle are one-time purchases that you can use for years.
The activator capsules are the only thing you will need to replenish, and they cost as little as $0.60 each!

What Does Force of Nature Smell Like?
Some reviews said that Force of Nature smells like bleach, but that hasn't been my experience at all. As a reminder, I've been using it for almost 9 months at this point.
I've found the scent to be fresh and clean, but very minimal. The best way I can describe it is if you've ever smelled an ozone air purifier, this smells like a VERY mild version of that.
It doesn't give me a headache, trigger my allergies, or bother me in any way that I've found.
Force of Nature has in interesteding note on the scent:
The swimming-pool scent is chlorine, not bleach. There is actually different types of chlorine (most people don’t know that), and Force of Nature makes a type called hypochlorous acid (HOCI). It’s the same type of chlorine your white blood cells produce to keep you healthy. It’s also commonly used in in wound, eye and veterinary care products because it’s so safe and effective. It’s very different from sodium hypochlorite (bleach, which is NaCIO, a different chemical all together).
Force of Nature

Force of Nature FAQ's
Does it smell?
Yes, there is a scent, but it's quite mild. It smells very mildly of bleach, or chlorine. In my opinion it smells similarly to an ozone air filter.
Does it irritate skin?
I tend to reach to most chemicals my skin comes in contact with, but Force of Nature does not bother me. Feels and acts like water. The Mayo clinic gives Force of Nature a 100% allergen free safety rating.
Can't I just mix salt, vinegar, and water myself and put it in the appliance?
You could, but you shouldn't and here's why:
You need exactly the right pH in order to create hypochlorous acid instead of bleach and to create the level of hypochlorous acid that can disinfect. It would be very easy to make bleach by accident, or create a solution that doesn’t kill germs, even if you were off by a fraction of a drop of an eye dropper. To achieve the right pH, each capsule contains a ratio of salt, water and vinegar so precise that you’d need a laboratory grade analytical scale to create it.
Force of Nature
Is it actually as effective at bleach?
At killing germs, yep it is! But, it won't bleach your clothes or burn your skin like bleach will.
Why make it yourself instead of buying it?
The nature of hypchlorous acid is that it dissipates over time. That's why you make it fresh, and if by chance you haven't used it in 2 weeks time, toss it and make a fresh batch. In our house, we got through about 2 bottles a week, so that's NEVER an issue.

Uses for Force of Nature Cleaner
- Cleaning countertops
- Degreasing stovetops
- Pre-soaking laundry stains
- Cleaning floors (I put it in my tineco clean water bin diluted with water)
- Cleaning Toys
- Cleaning Lunchboxes + backpacks
- Treating carpet stains
- De-scenting pet beds
- Cleaning mildew in bathrooms
- As a general-purpose bathroom cleaner
Force of Nature has replaced all but 1 of my household cleaners – it's THAT effective.
Force of Nature Before & After Pictures
Yep, I'm going to show you ACTUAL pictures of messes in my house…
My Honest Force of Nature Cleaner Review
Since using this product for the last 9 months, I can say I'm entirely in love with it.
I've ditched all of my bathroom + kitchen cleaners (aside from a bit of toilet bowl cleaner and Dr. Bronner's Dish soap).
I love being able to use it without timing my exposure, opening windows, and stressing about it.
And I actually really love the clean scent.
I actually have 2 bottles – one that lives in the kitchen, and one that lives in my bathroom cleaning bucket and this system works just great for us.
Have you tried Force of Nature Cleaner yet? I would love to hear your thoughts!

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