January 2019 Blog Traffic & Income Report
Hey There!
Gretchen here, with Fit Mom Journey's 16th income report!
Its only, you know, 6 months later – sorry!
I started doing these reports with hopes that I could teach those of you reading a few things about blogging. That you could learn from the lessons I learned, not make my mistakes, and implement efficient solutions in your own business.
1 year and a half ago when I started these, I made a grand total of $1,071.18.
A great start, but not even close to the average $10,000 months I have now.
I am certainly no expert – nor am I making the most money, but I have been blogging for 6 years, which is like 60 years in blogging years, and in that time, I've learned a lot that I hope you can learn from too!
The reality of being an entrepreneur – in blogging, a brick and mortar biz, or something else – it that your life moves at warp speed. You constantly feel like you have 17 plates spinning in the air that you have to keep moving, and there is no margin for error.
Add in the internet changing even faster, and you have to realize that you'll never catch up.
Marketing techniques that work right now may not work in a month. And in a year? Forget them. Social networks are constantly changing for better and worse, new networks are being introduced, and your audience is developing a thicker skin and bullsh*t filter for marketing.
It's unbelievably exhausting, but if you read my article about 6 qualities of Six-Figure Bloggers you'll know that there is no way around it – you can only persevere through it.
Through the ups and downs, the hard and the easy, the wins and losses, if you just stay the course, doing your absolute best, you're going to hit a point where you've seen a measure of success and it starts to get easier.
So I started these income reports to help you stick with this crazy thing called blogging.
To encourage you when it gets hard.
To help provide solutions.
To give you the tools you need to find freedom from you blog.
Have you always wanted to start your own blog, but you’re not sure where to start? I am a huge believer in blogging, since it brings in more than $120,000/year to our family, and has enabled us to take amazing vacations, give generously, and save for the future far and above what we would be able to do on my husband’s salary alone.
I wrote this course to show you how quick and easy it is to start your own blog, so you can making a profit with yours too!
I’ve been working on this course for a long time – and I am so excited to share it with you now!
Not only will I walk you through every step to getting your blog up and running, I’ll share my best methods for making money, so you can earn and income from your blog too…
Get the 5 day email crash course now. Just tell me where to send it below!
With that being said, let’s jump into January 2019’s Blog Income and Traffic.
Here’s what this month’s report will cover:
- Income & Expenses
- Traffic
- Takeaways: cleaning your email list, and learning to create videos
If you’re interested in learning more about growing a profitable blog, you can click here to subscribe to my Blogging Newsletter. Packed with actionable tips, tricks, and tutorials for growing a successful and profitable blog, I do my best to help you grow your best blog.
And, if you have a question or want me to cover a certain blogging topic, feel free to send me an email or leave a comment and I’ll see if I can address it.
Note: Some of the below links are affiliate links. All of the products listed below are products and services we’ve used before and/or are currently using. If you have any questions about our income or expense, feel free to leave a comment or contact us via email and we’ll be happy to reply.
Below are some screenshots from Google Analytics for the month of January 2019
Traffic Overview
Top 10 Traffic Sources
Mobile Traffic
💻Did you know that nearly every viral post has 4 elements in common?
In this blog, we'll walk you through those 4 elements step-by-step so that you can start incorporating them into your own blog for maximum success!
Read the full blog post
- Mediavine: $7,704.81
- Elite Blog Academy: $1076.40
- Amazon Associates: $329.94
- Perfect Keto: $139.39
- Lakanto: $44.93
- ConvertKit: $78.20
- Monumetric: $27.66
- Keto Mojo: $6.24
- Smart Baking Company: $10.00
- Miscellaneous Affiliates: $0
TOTAL INCOME: $9,417.57
If you are interested in starting a blog of your own, I created a step-by-step 5-day email course that will help you start a blog for only $3.95/month. With that low pricing, you will receive a free domain name if you purchase at least 12 months of hosting. Starting a blog has been one of the best thing I've ever done – and I'm NOT technical. Set yourself up for success with an inexpensive, self-hosted blog, and my 5-Day Email Course.
- MiloTree: $6
- Tailwind: $15
- Tailwind Tribe Power-Up: $119 (1 year)
- ConvertKit: $75
- Jaxxy: $19
- AppSumo: $20
- BigScoots: $7.95
- The Keto Box: $40
- Materials & Supplies: $147.82
- Misc Contracted Services {VA, marketing, etc}: $600.00
I recently cleaned out my email list, and I wrote an article about the how and why of doing this very intimidating task.
“Even with engaging content and a killer email newsletter strategy, some subscribers will either never open an email from you, or simply lose interest in what you have to offer over time.
I recently reached 20,000 subscribers, and had NEVER cleaned out my email list.
And if you haven't either (even if you just have 1,000 followers) – you NEED to.
What matters is how engaged your subscribers are, now how many you have. It's all about engagement!
Inactive subscribers can also be known as “cold” or “dead.” And those subscribers that are cold haven't opened an email in the last 90 days, and has been subscribed for 30 days.
Unfortunately, because of how open rates are calculated, there can be mistakes made when showing someone as a cold subscriber, so I'll show you how to remove cold subscribers, while still giving those subscribers who are actually interested in your email a chance to stay subscribed.
Here we go!”
Or, Pin it for later:
One thing that has been bugging me for a while, is that I need to start making videos of recipes. From helping you make my recipes by providing visual instructions, to getting more eyes on my content because search engines and social media now prefer videos to plain images, I've decided to dive headfirst into the realm of creating videos.
Now, the thing about learning a new skill, is that the first products will be absolutely terrible.
You can see how you want the finished product to look when it's done in your mind, but getting it to look like that? Well, that's another story.
So I'm working on my videos – and you too should work on whatever is currently intimidating you.
Get the equipment you need, and make up your mind that it is ok to be terrible in the beginning. Even though it's terrible at first, just keep going. Commit to making progress each and every time you do it, and you'll start to be not so embarrassed by your videos (or whatever you're working on!)
I'll update you later on how videos are going, but in the meantime, could you do me a favor?
Do you use YouTube?
If you do, would you give me a follow HERE?
I am just starting my YouTube channel and would love to count you as one of the first to follow!
Without you, Fit Mom Journey would not exist as it does today. As such, and I insanely grateful for each and every set of eyes that hits this blog. Every day I wake up grateful, and so it makes sense to say a heartfelt THANK YOU just for being here.
Thank you for reading, commenting, sharing, and interacting with my content every day.
I’m so grateful for you.
This post may contain affiliate links. See my disclosures for more information.
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