9 Reasons Why Women Should Lift Weights
Are you one of the many women who believe the only way to lose weight is to do cardio?
Sure, cardio is a great tool for fat loss, but only if your diet is on point.
Even better than cardio, though, is lifting weights! Not only will you be able to eat more, feel stronger and more powerful, and have more functional fitness, you'll get these benefits too:
- The Afterburn – Extra Fat Loss
- More Muscle = More Calories
- Change Your Shape
- Feel Stronger & More Confident
- Mood Improvement & Balance
- Stronger Bones
- Improved Blood Sugar Levels
- Better Cardiovascular Health
- Reduced Risk of Injury
Lifting weights as a woman won't make you look like a man.
You won't get big and bulky.
But you WILL get all of these benefits….
The Afterburn = Extra Fat Loss
What’s the afterburn, you ask?
Afterburn is one of the absolute best things about lifting weights. When you do cardio, you burn calories the entire time you’re physically doing the activity. But once you’re done, the calorie burn all but stops.
Lifting weights completely changes the equation. When you lift weights, not only does you body burn calories (in the form of body fat, if you’re Keto) during the actually lifting session, but you continue to burn calories for hours after the workout is over.
This effect is so powerful, and best illustrated by this study done by Tufts University:
The study found that when overweight women lifted heavy weights twice per week, they lost an average of 14.6 pounds of fat, and gained 1.4 pounds of muscle.
The control group of women who dieted, but did not lift weights lost only 9.2 pounds of fat, and gained no muscle.
This is because when you lift heavy weights, you metabolism revs so much from the actual exercise as well as the energy that goes into repairing and rebuilding your muscles, you burn extra fat for hours after the workout.
If you only do cardio, the fat burning stops 1-2 hours after you stop exercising.
More Muscle = More Calories
Do you love to eat? {I do….}
Muscle not only revs your metabolism, it “costs” more calories to maintain than fat. So if you are building muscle because of lifting weights, you can eat more calories every single day than you could before building that muscle.
Even better, eating at a slight calorie deficit will help you lose body fat more effectively because your body will burn fat to keep your muscles maintained.
Change Your Shape
Even without losing a single pound, lifting weights will change the way you look.
As you lift, you will stand up straighter, naturally hold your core in tighter, your breasts will per up, arms and belly will tighten, and you will notice your calves and quads start to shape up.
Before I started Keto, I did Jim Stoppani’s Shortcut to Size, followed immediately by his Shortucut to Shred Program. During those 24 weeks, I lifted heavy weights, ate anything and everything I wanted, and enjoyed every minute.
I only lost 3 pounds on the scale.
But when I measured inches I lost more than 19 inches over my entire body.
I also went down 2 jeans sizes, and looked so much better.
{pictures and explanation}
I wasn’t focused on losing weight, but lifting heavy taught me to enjoy the process and not focus on the scale for my results.
More Confidence and Strength
One of the best things about lifting weights is that doing so will help you with everyday movements. This is what is known as “functional fitness” because each movement has a function and will make your everyday life easier as you increase your strength and capabilities.
Think about it: everyday tasks like lifting children, bending down to pick things up, carrying grocery bags, and moving heavy items become much easier when you lift weights on a regular basis.
Even lifting twice per week can make you 50% stronger in just 6 months, according to the Mayo Clinic.
How much easier would everyday movements be for you if you were 50% stronger?
Balance & Improve Mood
I struggle with anxiety and depression, and I know that almost every American has different levels of the same struggles I have.
The endorphins released during weight lifting both lift and stabilize my mood, and help me to think positive on a daily basis. It’s on of the reasons that I lift as often as I do.
Even better, the increased confidence, strength, and stability that come from weight lifting provide a mood-boosting effect.
Build Stronger Bones
Study after study has shown how lifting weights can not only keep bones healthy and fight of osteoporosis in old age, lifting can even rebuild brittle bones when done correctly.
Stronger bones and increased muscle mass also lead to better flexibility, less join inflammation, and better balance, which is especially important as we age.
Maintain or Improve Blood Sugar Levels
Weight training can improve insulin sensitivity (the way your body processes sugar) by as much as 23% according to the CDC. And in 16 weeks of weight lifting, blood sugar levels can improve as much as they do with medication. The more muscle mass you have, the better your body is at removing glucose from your blood.
Increasing Cardiovascular Health
Think lifting weights won’t help your cardiovascular health? Think again!
Lifting weights not only increases your good cholesterol (HDL), it decreases your bad cholesterol (LDL) and lowers blood pressure. All of these things are excellent for heart health and indicators of heart disease.
Doing just 30 minutes of weight lifting each week decreases your chance of developing heart disease by 23% when compared with those who do not lift weights.
Reduce risk of Injury
Weight lifting will improve your joints, flexibility, bones, and stability, all of which will decrease your chances of injuring yourself at home or at work in everyday life.
And in people with arthritis, lifting weights can improve function and pain levels.
Even if you're unsure of what weight lifting will do for you, I encourage you to give it a try!
It's totally ok to start with small weights, a free lifting program, and whatever clothes you're comfortable in.
Do you lift weights?
Want to try Keto but don't know where to start?
Pick up Keto Quickstart. This free guide has everything you need to know about the Ketogenic Diet + 30 Days of Meal Plans, Shopping Lists, and more:
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