How To Drink Your Ketones for Weight Loss
Exogenous Ketones were introduced in 2014, about the same time as I was recovering from having my daughter, and therefore very concerned about weight loss.
But let's back up for a bit, because if you're here reading about Exogenous Ketones, and how to drink ketones for weight loss, let's start at the beginning so you have a firm foundation to build if you do decided to take a ketone supplement for weight loss.
What Are Ketones/Ketogenic Diet?
First of all, Exogenous Ketones (we'll get to exactly what those are in just a sec…hang in there) were introduced as the Ketogenic Diet started gaining popularity among the health and fitness community, as well as with the scientific community.
Well, it's all about health.
For so long, doctors and researchers have preached the benefits of a low-fat diet to prevent and correct all sort of things like heart disease, high cholesterol, obesity, etc.
But….they may have been wrong.
I am not a doctor, and do not have a medical degree, but I've done my homework, and I've lived (and am currently living) a ketogenic lifestyle. So I've done this, I've read loads and loads about it, and I've even been able to help many of my friends use the things I've learned to lead healthier lives. But, as with anything concerning your health, please make sure you have a discussion with your doctor before making a drastic change.
Related: I lost 23 pounds in 60 days of Keto. Here's how.
Ok, legal stuff over, here's what a Ketogenic Diet is:
A Ketogenic Diet, also know as the Keto Diet, is a very high fat, very low carb, moderate protein diet that is very popular because it can cause you to lose body fat very fast, and study after study after study has linked Keto with benefits against cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's, epilepsy, and more.
Eating Ketogenically involves cutting carbohydrate intake from 200-300g daily down to 20-50g daily and replacing those missing carbs with fat. Reducing carbohydrates this drastically puts your body in a state of Ketosis.
Ketosis is a metabolic state in which you body uses fat for fuel, rather than carbohydrates.
When you eat normally, when you consume more carbohydrates than you body needs to run for the next 24 hours or so, you body turns those excess carbs into fat and stores them as (unwanted) body fat.
But if you cut the carbs in your diet drastically, your body enters Ketosis and starts burning that stored fat for fuel, resulting in better health and body composition for you.
Related: What is a Keto Diet? (Keto 101)
But, what are Ketones?
Ketones are what is found in your blood, when your body is in ketosis, and they literally tell your body to burn fat for fuel, not carbs.
Exogenous Ketones are ketones in drink form, which you drink (duh) that may or may not help your body move into and stay in ketosis better and longer. Basically, when used properly, Exogenous Ketones will help you burn more fat….maybe.
We'll get into what science says about it.
Personally, I've used Exogenous Ketones to help me through Keto Flu, and to increase my energy levels when doing weight lifting. As the weights got heavier, I was struggling with shaking while lifting, even though my muscles weren't fatigued. I started taking drinkable Ketones on heavy lifting days, and the shaking went away and my energy levels increased.
What Does Science Say About Ketones?
While I am a staunch believe in a ketogenic, high fat, low carb diet, I also know that the health & fitness industry can take anything that looks good and helpful on the surface and turn it into a money-making machine that may actually be harmful to your health.
So, just because a company makes claims about their Exogenous Ketones, I definitely do my own research before making a decision.
Most of the research done on Exogenous Ketones has been done in the context of disease research, I.E. the effect taking them has on Alzheimer's, Epilepsy, Cancer, Diabetes, and Heart Disease. Some research has been done on using Exogenous Ketones for athletic performance, and within those studies the focus was on whether they provide an extra source of fuel for the body when pushed to it's limits.
For Weight Loss:
If you're reading this, you're probably here because you want to use Exogenous Ketones to aid your weight loss, and there is nothing wrong with that.
Just know that there is not a ton of research on using Exogenous Ketones for weight loss.
Based on the research I've read, eating a diet with about 75% healthy fats, about 20% protein, and 5% or less of carbohydrates will cause your body to produce it's own ketones, which the body can use and respond to much easier than taking a supplement.
How does this work?
Your body respond to elevated ketone levels by increasing the level of insulin secretion. If you remember, insulin is the hormone that causes our body to store fat. Too high of ketone levels can actually increase how much fat your body is storing, rather than cause your body to burn it, so remember that.
Basically, you can't eat a high level of carbs, take Exogenous Ketones, and still stay in ketosis.
It just doesn't work that way – sorry!
And, if you hear any company claiming that you can, that's just plain wrong.
Your Body Burns Fat For Fuel: Eating lots of carbs in your diet causes insulin to spike repeatedly throughout the day, and that's not good for you. Pairing insulin spikes with high carb consumption is a recipe for a fat-storing disaster.
When you eat ketogenically, what you really want is to go into Ketosis, where you body burns fat for fuel. Your body produces Ketones when you cut carbs out of your diet, and those ketones are what prompts your body to burn fat. You can actually measure your ketones through your urine, breath, or blood (and you can do all of these at home).
If you are eating a correct Keto diet, you may not NEED Exogenous Ketones to aid in or speed up weight loss.
However, there a couple of scenarios when they can really help.
The first is during Keto Flu, when your body is going into carbohydrate withdrawal. Drinking Ketones will help tell your brain to move into Ketosis and burn fat for fuel, not carbs. Drinkable Ketones can also help with your energy levels, headaches, and nausea during Keto Flu.
The second scenario is during exercise. I now only take Ketones on days I work out. This is because I am a weight lifter, and I started noticing that lifting “heavy” was making me shake, even though my muscles weren't fatigued.
And that's a safety issue.
So I started taking Ketones on my lifting days and the shaking stopped!
I take Perfect Keto Ketones, and the Chocolate Sea Salt is my favorite flavor. It's divine! They also have other flavors if that's not your thing:
- Peaches & Cream
- Vanilla
- Coffee
And if you're into pre-workout, I really like their pre-workout as well.
Are Ketone Supplements Safe?
Many people believe that eating Ketogenically and letting your body produce Ketones is unsafe, mainly because they confuse Ketosis with Diabetic Ketoacidosis.
Diabetic Ketoacidosis is a very dangerous condition for people with diabetes, but if you don't have diabetes, you don't need to worry about this.
By contrast, Ketosis, is a natural state for your body that happens when you eat a very low level of carbs and your body produces Ketones. These Ketones prompt your body to bun fat for fuel instead of carbs, and many people use Ketosis and the Ketogenic diet to lose weight, since it can be very effective.
Let's be clear: Ketones don't cause weight loss, they just help to cause Ketosis.
However, when used correctly, Ketones can be helpful – and are safe – to those who have trouble getting their bodies to stay in Ketosis, even while eating a strict Ketogenic Diet.
Related: Ketogenic Recipe Index
Ketone Weight Loss Misconceptions
The fitness industry has twisted Exogenous Ketones into something they're not.
They will not cause weight loss.
They will not allow you to eat all the carbs you want and still stay in Ketosis.
In fact, you need to be eating a very good Ketogenic Diet for Ketones to have any effect on you at all.
They are a supplement, not a lifestyle.
Exogenous Keteones are a tool to help get your body into Ketosis, and to keep it there. They can also help to boost your energy levels while in Ketosis. If your goal is to lose weight, Exogenous Ketones can get you into Ketosis, so that you can then use your Ketogenic Diet to achieve the results you want.
Using a Ketone Supplement for Weight Loss
Take Ketones To Get Into Ketosis:
When you're just starting a Ketogenic Diet, or after a carb up or slip up (you ate carbs), It can take up to a week to get your body into Ketosis. During this time, you may experience Keto Flu Symptoms.
But, if you take a scoop of Exogenous Ketones 2 times a day until testing show that you're in Ketosis, you can get into Ketosis quicker and start working toward your goals.
Take Ketones to Lessen Keto Flu Symptoms
While you're cutting carbs, your body is freaking out trying to figure out what to burn for fuel. It was used to using the carbs you ate for fuel, and now it doesn't know what to do.
In 3-7 days, your body will adapt and move into Ketosis, where it will burn fat for fuel – but while that process happens you could have the Keto Flu. Symptoms include:
- Heaches
- Nausea
- Lack of Energy
- Bloating
- Irritability
However, you can take Exogenous Ketones to bridge the gap between where your body is and where it needs to be. Try splitting 1-2 scoop of Ketones into 3-4 doses throughout the day to combat Keto Flu symptoms.
Related: 7 Ways to Beat Keto Flu
Drink Your Ketones
I have been experimenting with taking Exogenous Ketones, and what I've found is that quailty and taste matter a great deal. Here are my favorite types of Exogenous Ketones:
Perfect Keto
Perfect Keto claims to raise your blood ketone levels up to 1.5 mmol, and also tastes amazing. I've used it to help beat Keto Flu and stop me from shaking when lifting weights.
This one is listed first because it's my favorite for it's quality, effectiveness, and taste. They have some amazing flavor, including:
- Chocolate Sea Salt
- Peaches & Cream
- Keto MCT Oil
- and more!
Did I mention they're more affordable than other brands I've tried?
InstaKetones have caffeine with them, which I absolutely LOVE. Their flavors are fruity and fun, and you can get them on Amazon affordably, which means they'll arrive on your doorstep in 2 days if you have Prime.
A pretty awesome deal, if you ask me.
An Exogenous Ketones Supplement Will Not Cause Weight Loss
I can't say it enough times, because it's true, and I don't want you to have a distorted opinion about them.
However, they can AID in weight loss, help with Keto Flu, and help get you back into Ketosis after eating carbs (either on purpose or accidentally). They're safe, and effective when used correctly.
Have questions? Drop me a comment – I'm happy to answer your questions!
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High I am on a budget. Is there a way to make you own Exogenous Ketone to help with Keto Flu?
What is the best time to take kato capsules?
If you are drinking keytones does this stop your body from burning fat as it doesn’t need to create its own keytones because it is using what you drink instead?