I think on some level, we’re all trying to save money on groceries. It might not be consciously, especially if our emphasis while shopping is on health, but to some extent it always hurts in the checkout line. One of the things we hear frequently is to eat seasonally, not only to save money, but to buy better tasting, more nutritionally-dense foods. And while that may seem great in theory, eating seasonally isn’t always so cut & dry in reality. Grocery store tricks, pricing differences, and the huge variety of choices make choosing the correct, in season produce challenging, while… Read More
Love Potato Chips? 18 Ways To Satisfy The Craving The Healthy Way
Early this week, my daughter caught some sort of virus that’s been going around. She started wanting to be held non-stop (this is the child that NEVER stops moving) and felt really warm to me, even though the thermometer still hadn’t registered any sort of fever. I knew she wasn’t feeling good, but I did what any mom would do: pushed fluids, cuddled with her, and monitored her temperature. Around 9 pm, though, her temp rose to 101.4, and I started to get stressed. I sent the hubs to the store for some comfort foods – namely chips and dip… Read More
THM Fuel Pull Ranch Dressing (With S and E Options)
There was a time when I though I couldn’t have ranch dressing. This was way before I discovered Trim Healthy Mama, back when I was a runner, when I waitressed on roller blades for a living, and when I shed 50 pounds over the course of a year. I did it by eating more salads, smaller portions and being super active. Plus I was young, so my body responded readily and the weight came off. But fast forward 7 years later, I’m married, have a child, and my metabolism isn’t exactly raring to go anymore. I was thirsty every single… Read More
Love Lemon Meringue Pie? Here’s A Satisfying THM Version
Easter is today, and to me, it’s the unofficial start of spring. Yep, I know the “real” start to spring was about a week ago, but that doesn’t stop me from waiting until Easter to embrace all things spring. By a long shot, Easter is my favorite holiday. We celebrate at church with Easter breakfast and a special service, then head back to our house where the entire family (17 people in total!) descended upon our newly renovated kitchen for Easter dinner followed by an Easter egg hunt! This was the first year that our daughter was old enough to… Read More
Trim Healthy Mama Tropical Punch Good Girl Moonshine
When you’re first introduced to Trim Healthy Mama, the sheer number of tasty recipes can be really overwhelming. Honestly, that’s one of the awesome things about THM: you don’t have to deprive yourself of anything. But the fact that there are millions of recipes to choose from makes it understandable that you may have skipped over a THM staple: Good Girl Moonshine. Whether this is your first time hearing of it, or Good Girl Moonshine is as staple in your home, this recipe is one you don’t want to miss!
Fuel Pull Sunshine Lime Good Girl Moonshine
I’ve been a Trim Healthy Mama for a while now, so I’ve developed some favorite go-to recipes like Egg Roll In a Bowl, CopyCat Oriental Chicken Salad, and others. Those standby meals are great because they allow me to put my life on autopilot, but after a certain amount of time putitng each meal through the meal rotation I really need to take a break! The same goes for drinks. Coffee, tea, and water are great, but sometimes I need to branch out and put some spice in my life! Luckily, the Trim Healthy Mama Cookbook has some really amazing… Read More
THM Chicken Parmesan
Italian food isn’t the easiest to make when you’re a Trim Healthy Mama. After all, most dishes have enormous helpings of carbohydrates, copious amounts of cheese, and protein plays second fiddle to the carbohydrates in the meal. It’s a recipe for a THM disaster. So what is a girl to do when she gets a craving for italian food on an E day? Make E-friendly Trim Healthy Mama Chicken Parmesan. Even the hubs liked this meal, that’s how hearty and filling it was, and it came together in about 30 minutes – start to finish! At the rate at which… Read More
Quick Crockpot Cheesy Chicken Broccoli Soup THM:S
Quick Crockpot Cheesy Chicken Broccoli Soup THM:S, Low Carb, Ketogenic I’m the first to admit that I’m a Drive-Thru Sue. (don’t know what that is? You should definitely check out the Trim Healthy Mama book)